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Image 26 of 28

I made the mistake of trying to get close enough to poke the lava with my walking stick. I made it but managed to singe all the inside of my arm as I did so. That'll teach me to approach something so incredibly hot wearing just a T-shirt!

What was weird was when you poke the lava with a stick, it goes "clonk", just like hitting a normal rock. Since the lava is coming towards you, and is clearly fluid enough to move, you'd expect it to be soft. It's not - it's hard as rock and moving at the same time. The lava is this shot is definitely fluid though and it was moving faster than running pace. Our hotel manager is bit of a lava junkie and he goes equipped with welder's protective equipment and things like kitchen whisks to dunk into it!

All images on this website have been shot using either a Canon S40 compact digital camera, or a Canon 20D DLSR. I'm something of a Canon fan. :) Most images have been post processed with Adobe Photoshop and the CurveMeister plugin. I thoroughly recommend CurveMeister, BTW. It's a great piece of software. Please note that all images are copyright and may not be used or distributed without my written permission.

Images and content (C) Copyright Derek Fountain 2006-2007 - All Rights Reserved